Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
It is our goal within Next Gen to make disciples of people of all ages. Within CFKids, we are focused on discipling kids from birth through 5th grade. We strive to help our kids encounter Jesus and experience the life He has for us. We aim to achieve this through our Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night gatherings.
Sunday Mornings
When you arrive...
When you first arrive to one of our services, you should find the Check-in table. This table can be easily located in the atrium at 950 N Main and in the Welcome Center at 1100 N Main. The Check-in process takes just a few minutes. Your first time at College First Church of God means you will have to register your child. Registering your child involves inputting your name, your child’s name, any allergies for your child, and an emergency contact.
Once you have registered your child, you will receive a name tag for them and a pick-up label for you. Hang on to this label as it helps our Kids Ministry staff know who you and your child are.
Once you have registered your child, you will receive a name tag for them and a pick-up label for you. Hang on to this label as it helps our Kids Ministry staff know who you and your child are.
Sunday School
We have classes available for kids 3-years-old through 5th grade. Our preschoolers meet together for age appropriate Bible stories and activities while our Kindergarten-5th graders meet for their own classes. We also have a nursery available for little ones birth through 3-years-old. All of our classrooms are located in the Next Gen hallway. Come in through our main doors and head downstairs. The Next Gen hallway is the blue one just ahead.
Sunday School
We have classes available for kids 3-years-old through 5th grade. Our preschoolers meet together for age appropriate Bible stories and activities while our Kindergarten-5th graders meet for their own classes. We also have a nursery available for little ones birth through 3-years-old. All of our classrooms are located upstairs. You will find the nursery just to your left at the top of the stairs, and the preschool classroom is right across the hall from the stairs. The Elementary class can be found further down the hall to the left of the staircase.
We have classes available for kids 3-years-old through 5th grade. Our preschoolers meet together for age appropriate Bible stories and activities while our Kindergarten-5th graders meet for their own classes. We also have a nursery available for little ones birth through 3-years-old. All of our classrooms are located upstairs. You will find the nursery just to your left at the top of the stairs, and the preschool classroom is right across the hall from the stairs. The Elementary class can be found further down the hall to the left of the staircase.

Wednesday Encounter
Where Kids Meet Jesus!
Join us every Wednesday night, from 6-7:15 pm, we will have themed food,
games, music, and a lesson! Open to all kids K-5th grade!
Can't wait to see you there! Remember, U R Loved! 😊
Contact the Director of Kids & Family Ministries, Nicky Inman, for more information.
games, music, and a lesson! Open to all kids K-5th grade!
Can't wait to see you there! Remember, U R Loved! 😊
Contact the Director of Kids & Family Ministries, Nicky Inman, for more information.
Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading
Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading 2024 early-bird registration opens May 1st!
We are also seeking volunteers to help with practices and game-days.
We are also seeking volunteers to help with practices and game-days.